Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Michele is still very pregnant!
We went to the doctor yesterday and Michele is 2cm and 80% effaced. The doctor recommended an induction this week which is now the second recommendation for an induction that we have received. Therefore, if Michele does not go into labor in the next 48 hours she will be induced on Friday July 20th at 6:30am. We would appreciate your prayers.

Pictures and updates to follow!

-RJ, MJ and “The Thunder Ball”

1 comment:

Renae Westerbur said...

Hi Michele, all of use down in seattle childrens' are anxiously awating the great event. Hopely it will be today at least! You are going to be a great mommy!! There is nothing greater than when they place your little screaming bundle on your chest and you look at your baby for the first time!I have been watching your blog every day since Heidi e-mailed your site to everyone you worked with. I know how hard you "worked at" getting in this condition. :o)Good luck having your boy. Our thoughts are with you!