Well nothing really new to report at this time. Michele had her weekly check up and we are progressing at the rate of a snail. The baby has a nice strong heart beat and is very active despite the lack of space. Rian listens for his heartbeat every night at which time he gets a kick or punch in the ear by the ‘Thunderball’. We are looking forward to meeting this little boy. The doctor did say that if he does not come on his own by next week Michele should probably be induced. We are tentatively planning on an induction for Wednesday or Thursday next week but are praying that he comes on his own.
Rian is working hard and Matt Anderson, his replacement, is coming in on Wednesday to cover him while he is on vacation with wife and family.
Fourth of July was enjoyable in Ketchikan. There was the small town parade where half of the locals parade down Main Street and the other half stand on the sidewalks and watch. Here the locals on the sidewalk are joined by the throngs of tourists from the cruise ships and the hatchery workers in their Xtra Tuffs on break from the slime line. It poured during the entire parade and the candy thrown from the floats appeared aimed directly at the rain puddles. Ketchikan may not be a swanky urban hub but we do have standards. If you go out on main street tonight you might still find yourself a nice half dissolved pack of smarties. We’re told the fireworks show is pretty impressive here but it was cancelled this year due to (what else?) rain.
we'll be praying for all 3 of you! can't wait to meet the little guy!
love from the mckelvey's
Been thinking about you guys--Good luck!
Can't wait to hear the good news! We are praying for you as always. Hope Tank takes to the new addition...from the looks of things he seems to think he rules the place. :)
i was so excited when i opened your blog and saw the title--"they had the boy and they're naming him Thunderball!!!"...oh dang it.
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